10 BANNED Cool Tech Gadgets Available on Amazon

Hey tech enthusiasts! Welcome to CoolTech99, where we bring you the most intriguing and cutting-edge tech news. Today, I’m going to share with you some exciting but banned tech gadgets that you can still find on Amazon. These gadgets, while innovative and highly functional, have been restricted in various places due to their potential for misuse. From devices that can steal data to those that can disrupt communications, this list will highlight ten tech gadgets that blur the line between genius and danger. Let’s explore these intriguing devices, understand why they’re banned, and learn how to stay safe.

1. RFID Card Skimmer

Photo: Unknown

An RFID card skimmer is a device that can steal information from RFID-enabled cards, such as credit or debit cards, simply by being near them. This can lead to identity theft and financial fraud. RFID technology uses radio waves to transmit data from a chip embedded in a card, and skimmers exploit this by intercepting the signal.


  • Stealthy Data Theft: Can read card information without direct contact, making it hard to detect.

  • Compact Design: These devices are small and easily concealable, often blending in with everyday objects.

  • Common Uses: Frequently used illegally at ATMs, fuel pumps, and other point-of-sale systems to capture card data from unsuspecting users.

Why It's Banned:

The potential for covertly stealing personal information has led to the prohibition of RFID skimmers in many places. Their ability to silently collect data poses a significant risk to financial security and personal privacy.

2. WiFi Pineapple

Photo: WiFi Pineapple

The WiFi Pineapple is a compact device designed for advanced attacks on wireless networks. Initially created for security professionals to conduct penetration testing and evaluate network vulnerabilities, it has also gained popularity among hackers. The device is capable of performing a variety of network attacks and monitoring tasks, making it a powerful tool in both securing and exploiting wireless networks.


  • Network Monitoring: Can intercept and analyze network traffic, providing a detailed view of network activity, which helps in identifying security weaknesses.

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Capable of executing sophisticated network attacks by positioning itself between a user and the network, allowing it to intercept and manipulate data transmissions.

  • Portable: Its small size makes it easy to carry and conceal, enhancing its usability for both legitimate and malicious purposes.

Why It's Banned:

The WiFi Pineapple’s ability to easily intercept and manipulate data makes it a powerful tool for hackers, posing significant security risks. Its misuse can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as personal data, passwords, and confidential communications. This potential for abuse has led to its prohibition in many areas to prevent malicious activities and protect network security.

3. Proxmark3

Photo: Proxmark3

Proxmark3 is a powerful device widely used for cloning RFID cards, making it popular among both security researchers and hackers. This versatile tool allows users to interact with, read, and clone various RFID systems, providing deep insights into their operation. Originally designed for legitimate security testing and research, its capabilities have also made it a tool for potential misuse.


  • RFID Cloning: Capable of duplicating a wide range of RFID cards, including access badges and keycards, making it a versatile tool for various applications.

  • Advanced Testing: Utilized for testing the security and vulnerabilities of RFID systems, helping to identify weaknesses and improve security protocols.

  • Versatile: Supports multiple RFID protocols, making it highly adaptable for different types of RFID technology, which enhances its functionality in diverse scenarios.

Why It's Banned:

The Proxmark3’s ability to clone security access cards can lead to unauthorized access and fraud. This significant security risk has led to its prohibition in many areas to prevent misuse and protect sensitive information. Its capacity to replicate secure RFID cards poses a threat to secure facilities and personal data, necessitating its regulation and restricted use.

4. Mini Bluetooth Keyboard

Photo: Fosmon mini Bluetooth keyboard

The Fosmon Mini Bluetooth Keyboard is a portable keyboard designed for convenient typing on the go with a variety of devices. Its compact size and wireless connectivity make it ideal for those who need a keyboard that’s easy to carry and use anywhere. It is particularly useful for mobile devices, providing a practical solution for typing without the need for a larger, traditional keyboard.


  • Portability: Small and lightweight, making it easy to transport. Perfect for travelers or those needing a compact keyboard solution.

  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Connects wirelessly to a range of devices, eliminating the need for physical cables and providing a clutter-free experience.

  • Multi-Device Support: Compatible with smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and more, offering versatility for different needs and environments.

Why It's Banned:

Although the Mini Bluetooth Keyboard is generally harmless and highly functional, it has been included in this list due to its potential misuse in hacking setups. Hackers can use it to gain unauthorized access to devices, making it a tool of concern in cybersecurity. Its portability and wireless capabilities can be exploited to bypass security measures, posing a threat to device security.

5. Flipper Zero

Photo: Flipper Zero

Flipper Zero is a versatile, multi-functional tool designed to interact with various digital devices, effectively acting as a universal remote. It can interact with NFC, RFID, and other signals, making it a powerful gadget for tech enthusiasts.


  • Universal Remote: Capable of controlling a wide range of devices, from TVs to security systems.

  • Portable: Its compact size makes it easy to carry around.

  • Versatile Use: Can interact with a variety of signals, including NFC, RFID, and others, providing extensive functionality.

Why It's Banned:

The Flipper Zero’s potential to be used for unauthorized access and manipulation of devices makes it a significant security concern. Its ability to interact with multiple types of digital signals can be exploited for hacking and other malicious activities, leading to its prohibition in several regions.

6. GSM Jammer

Photo: GSM Jammer

A GSM jammer is a device that can block cell phone signals, effectively disrupting communication within a specified range. This can prevent mobile phones from receiving and making calls, sending texts, or accessing data services.


  • Signal Blocking: Disables GSM signals within a specific area, preventing mobile communication.

  • Portable: Compact design allows it to be carried and used discreetly.

  • Wide Range: Can affect a broad area, depending on the jammer’s strength and specifications.

Why It's Banned:

GSM jammers are banned in many regions because they can prevent emergency communications, posing significant risks in critical situations. Their ability to block all cell phone signals can disrupt emergency services and other essential communications, making them a serious public safety concern.

7. HackRF One

HackRF One is an advanced software-defined radio (SDR) device that can both transmit and receive radio signals. It is designed to support a wide range of frequencies, making it a versatile tool for anyone working in wireless communications. Originally created for hobbyists and researchers, HackRF One allows users to explore, develop, and test new radio technologies. This open-source device is highly customizable, which makes it popular in the tech community.


  • Wide Frequency Range: Operates across a broad spectrum of frequencies, making it suitable for various applications.

  • Open Source: Highly customizable, allowing users to modify and improve its functionality.

  • Versatile: Employed in research, development, and testing of wireless communication systems.

Why It's Banned:

The ability of HackRF One to intercept and transmit a wide range of signals makes it a tool with significant potential for misuse. It can be used to interfere with legitimate communications, leading to security and privacy concerns. This potential for unauthorized use has led to its restriction in many areas.

8. Deauther Watch

Photo: Deauther Watch

The Deauther Watch is a device specifically designed to disrupt Wi-Fi networks, causing network outages by sending deauthentication packets. This wearable technology, resembling a wristwatch, is equipped with features that make it not only convenient but also a potent tool for network interference. Originally intended for testing and educational purposes in cybersecurity, its misuse can lead to significant disruption of Wi-Fi networks, affecting connectivity and access to internet services.


  • Wi-Fi Disruption: Capable of sending deauthentication packets that disconnect devices from Wi-Fi networks, effectively causing outages.

  • Wearable: Designed to be worn on the wrist, making it easy to carry and use discreetly.

  • Customizable: Programmable for various types of network attacks, allowing users to modify its functionality for different scenarios.

Why It's Banned:

The Deauther Watch can cause unauthorized network interference, posing significant cybersecurity risks. Its ability to disrupt Wi-Fi networks can lead to denial of service, affecting personal, business, and public networks. Due to these potential risks, its use is prohibited in many areas to prevent malicious activities that could compromise network integrity and security.

9. Electromagnet

Photo: Electromagnets

Electromagnets are powerful devices commonly used in industrial settings to lift and move heavy metal objects. These magnets generate a strong magnetic field when an electric current passes through a coil of wire. Electromagnets are essential in various manufacturing and construction applications, where they provide the force needed to handle large and heavy metal items efficiently. However, their potent magnetic fields can pose significant safety hazards if misused, leading to restrictions on their use in non-industrial environments.


  • Heavy Lifting: Capable of lifting and moving large metal objects with ease, making them invaluable in industrial operations.

  • Industrial Use: Widely used in manufacturing and construction for tasks such as moving scrap metal, steel beams, and other heavy items.

  • Powerful Magnetism: Generates a strong magnetic field when energized, providing significant lifting power.

Why It's Banned:

The potential for misuse in unauthorized applications makes electromagnets a safety hazard. If used improperly, they can cause severe injuries or damage by attracting or repelling metal objects uncontrollably. This risk has led to restrictions on their use outside of controlled industrial environments to prevent accidents and ensure public safety.

10. MagSpoof

Photo: MagSpoof

MagSpoof is a device designed to emulate any magnetic stripe card, including credit and debit cards. This small, portable gadget can be programmed to mimic various cards, making it a powerful tool for both legitimate and malicious purposes. Originally created as a security research tool, MagSpoof demonstrates the vulnerabilities of magnetic stripe cards by allowing users to replicate and manipulate card data easily.


  • Card Emulation: Can replicate the magnetic stripe of any card, including credit, debit, and access cards.

  • Portable: Its compact size makes it easy to conceal and carry.

  • Programmable: Users can program it to mimic multiple cards, switching between them as needed.

Why It's Banned:

The ability of MagSpoof to emulate credit cards makes it a significant tool for fraud and unauthorized transactions. Its use can lead to financial crimes such as identity theft and fraudulent purchases, posing a serious risk to personal and financial security. This potential for misuse has led to its prohibition in many areas to protect against fraudulent activities.

Final Word

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of banned tech gadgets available on Amazon. At CoolTech99, our mission is to keep you informed and ahead of the curve with the latest and most intriguing tech discoveries.

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